Movement Articles

The Deeper Muscles of the Core

Transverse Abdominus (TA) & Quadratus Lumborum (QL). These muscles are not talked about often, but they are essential for establishing a strong core, good posture, and alleviating back pain.

Abs & Obliques

Did you know that sit-ups are not the best, most effective way to get a stronger core or achieve the look of abs?

Erector Spinae

These last few months of the year, we are going to get into torso and core exercises. This month we are going to start with the muscles along our spine, called erector spinae. *Please note: This particular exercise is NOT for everyone. I will share modifications. If the modifications hurt, do not do the exercise.

Medial Deltoids

Sculpted shoulders are desired by most of my clients. As with last month’s tricep exercise and being an important muscle group to sculpt the arms, sculpted shoulders add to the arm definition.

Abs & Obliques

Abs & Obliques

Abs & Obliques Did you know that sit-ups are not the best, most effective way to get a stronger core or achieve...

Erector Spinae

Erector Spinae

Erector SpinaeThese last few months of the year, we are going to get into torso and core exercises. This month we are...

The Delts

The Delts

The DeltsThe opposing muscle group from the lats are the anterior and medial deltoids. What we do to one side, we want...

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