3 Myths of Meditation Busted

Are you someone who is curious about meditation and how it can help you but you believe one or all of these myths?

  1. Meditation is difficult because you have to stop your thoughts and I have too many thoughts!
  2. It takes years to receive the benefits and it’s uncomfortable
  3. I can’t meditate because I don’t have time and it requires too many externals

Well, keep reading because I will break these myths and help you try something you’re curious about.

Myth 1: Meditation is difficult because I have to stop my thoughts and I have too many thoughts.


Having thoughts is part of being human – we all have too many thoughts and this is why meditation is helpful. You do not have to stop your thoughts. During unguided meditations, you become aware of and observe your thoughts. You actually connect to who you really are; Consciousness. You are given the opportunity to understand that you are not your thoughts, you are separate from them. You are the conscious observer. Once you sit with your eyes closed and practice slow, deep breathing, allowing thoughts to pass through you, you give yourself the opportunity to hit the meditative state of Being.

Myth 2: It takes years to receive the benefits and it’s uncomfortable.


I have been a casual meditater for about a year and a half, maybe two years and I’ve received countless benefits. I can only imagine if I did it daily. The benefits are both immediate and long term. As with any practice, the more you do it, the better you get and the longer lasting the changes become.

Some of the benefits I experience immediately are;

  • Calm, clear and focused mind
  • Increase in wellbeing
  • A feeling of being grounded
  • A deeper connection with my Self
  • Awareness of my thoughts

As far as it being uncomfortable? Make yourself comfortable. Be in a position that is comfortable. Wear comfy clothes. Itch the itch. Cough if needed. You’re a human. Do what you need to do to make yourself comfortable in your own practice.

Myth 3: I can’t meditate because I don’t have time and it requires too many externals.


You can meditate anytime, anywhere baby! That’s the beauty of it; anyone can do it, anytime, anywhere.

I’ve done walking meditations. I’ve done them while driving and at my work desk. I’ve done 10 minute guided meditations and 2 minute independent meditations. Sure, I get distracted from time to time during my walking or driving meditations but I still feel a greater sense of well-being and connectedness to my Self when I get to where I am going. They may be on the shorter side, but who cares? If it’s beneficial to you, don’t worry about what it looks like. No, you do not need candles, beads, robes, crystals, sage, or oils. You just need you.

When I was first starting out, I only did one minute meditations. 10 minutes is not common for me. Currently mine are around 5 minutes, give or take. This is good enough because I receive benefits.

So, now you can get started.

3 Tips to Start a Meditation Practice

When starting a mediation practice there are several foundational recommendations that will set you up for success.

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