While it is important to work ALL of the muscles in our back because they support us in our posture, the Latissimus dorsi or the Lats, are the broadest muscles in our back. Therefore, you can imagine, are very important to work. Additionally, the lats play a large roll in shoulder movement as they attach to our arm bone (humorus) and to the low back. Their function is to pull the arm down or inward, closer to the body.
Any pull motion will work your lat. For example:
- Pull up
- Bent over row
- Row machine
When performing these exercises, form is always important.
Starting from arms extended, shoulders retracted (not shrugged), use your lats to pull them down your back, like you’re tucking them in your back pocket.
Spine will be extended and long, no hunching over, core engaged
When you pull, your arms stay close to the torso, rub against the body. Think like you’re holding a newspaper between your arm and torso
Let’s take the bent over row for example:
- Start in a split stand position with your right foot leading, flex forward at your hips bending your front leg (right one) and resting the right arm on the right leg. You may need to slide your back foot (left) down farther
Extend your spine straight to a flat back, having your chest face the ground. Shoulders are retracted and pull down your back. Core engaged. - Use your other hand to grip a weight that is the appropriate amount for where you’re at.
- Maintaining the form from steps 1-3, pull your arm close to the body, skimming your torso, engaging your lat. Think of holding a newspaper under your arm.
- Slowly release the weight back to the ground in a controlled manner, keeping the lat engaged.
Repeat for a total of 8 to 12 reps, then work the other side.
Aesthetically, working the lat will accentuate your waistline and improve that V shape in the back.
Stay safe!