Creating this space is an important practice but until you use it, it is simply just décor. With intention, your altar becomes a special space at which your experience, special rituals, prayer, meditation, grounding, journaling, manifesting will feed the items on your altar with powerful energy which will in turn feed you each time you return. Creating this space in your home means you have an ever-present part of your experience, and every time you walk by it you can receive some of it’s energy. It may also call you to drop in throughout moments of your day. It will help you stay connected to the intentions you set for your day or your life, enjoy the process and receive more peace, calm and love in every area of your life.
Altars are usually built or created on a flat or raised surface. A small table or platform could work or a shelf or tabletop. Keep your sacred space dedicated to it’s purpose. Place protective boundaries around the area and keep it clear and clean of dust and clutter.
What items go on your altar? Sacred Items. You can choose what makes an item sacred. If an item has significance to you and brings you feelings of celebration, peace, love or inspiration, it’s a good choice.
Adding The 5 Elements of Nature
Some traditions suggestion you represent the five elements of nature as a way of harmonizing the nature around you and within you. Live flowers in a vase or a plant represent earth, a small fountain can represent water, candles represent fire, incense represents air and mirrors can illuminate light and make a space feel bigger and can, therefore, represent space.
Adding The 5 Senses
Engaging all senses can help you connect on a deeper level. Some ideas are;
Sight – a mirror or making your alter beautiful to look at
Sound – a bell or sound bowl
Touch – a soft cushion
Smell – Incense, scented candle or essential oils
Taste – A sweet hard sucker (I prefer to bring my coffee into my practice)

If you choose to statues, pick those that represent the qualities in yourself. They can come from any culture as long as they mean something to you. Small pieces of art that inspire and encourage you can also bring positive energy to your space.
Keep the energy of these beads sacred. They can support your meditation practice as you move your finger from one bead at a time repeating your mantra or prayer.
Sacred Texts The study of the self through sacred text. Any text that provides reflection, grounding and inspiration should have a home on or near your altar so they can be a part of your spiritual practice. I place my oracle cards on my altar for display.
If writing reflection or manifesting is part of your practice then place a journal on or near your altar. Don’t forget special pens.
You may place photos of teachers, children, family or someone who inspires you on your altar. This will help you connect to a state of oneness with those who inspire you or who have helped you come to the current moment. By adding these photos to your shrine, you’re celebrating your mentors, teachers, and the people in your life who have challenged you and made you who you are today.
You can create rituals as often as you’d like. Daily, weekly, AM & PM. What feels good to you. I do mine a few times a week and on the New Moon and Full Moon.
If you’re unsure, stay tuned for how to start a meditation and manifestation practice. Just know that your rituals, your practices, don’t have to look a certain way. Whatever makes you feel connected and grounded and will keep you coming back for more!
These practices are for anyone and everyone! If you’re new to this practice and you have children, create your own spaces together and begin creating these rituals together. Self-exploration is fun, creative and soothing. It knows no limits!
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