A lack of self-worth can hold us back in every area of our life; job, income, relationships, joy, health, relationship to self. You may be experiencing a lack of self-worth when you continuously do not show up for yourself; meaning that you say you are going to do something and then talk yourself out of it or place other tasks above your commitment to yourself (working out, eating healthier, starting your own self-care practices).
You may think that you are not worthy of fill in the blank (earning more money, the job promotion, a healthy relationship, loving yourself, treating yourself, or taking a break, etc.). You play or stay small in certain areas of your life, or you cannot accept compliments.

Not healing our low self-worth can keep us from having our dream life and from feeling our best.

7 Steps to increase our self worth to improve our life

  1. Build awareness around how a lack of self-worth shows up in your life and blocks you from what you desire.
  2. Reflect on where the root of lack of self-worth stems from; what was told/showed to us (or not) while growing up?
  3. Recognize that whatever beliefs were told to us while growing up do not have to be our truth as adults.
  4. Choose compassion for yourself and the adults that had an influence on your upbringing.
  5. Rewrite your self-worth story. Begin a new self-talk dialogue when you recognize lack of self-worth shows up.
  6. Build self-trust. Align your actions with the new narrative. Continue to choose to show up for yourself differently. Over and over again choose to align your action with self-worth.
  7. Feel every little and big successful shift as you heal and evolve. Be proud of your progress no matter what.

Here are some mantras to help align with self-worth

“ I am worthy of receiving all that I desire.”

“I am worth the value that I put out into the world.”

“I am worthy of showing up for myself and working hard toward my goal.”

“I do not need to settle for less than what I want.”

“Nobody or things determines my worth but me.”

“I am proud I showed up for myself in (fill in the blank).”

Pick one area of your life where you want to increase your self-worth and put the seven steps to work. The mantras will help you stay grounded.

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