Okay, before you turn away, let me just share that I use to think beets were weird and gross too. Until my sister roasted a batch and totally turned me on to them. Um, what had I been missing out on?! They are sweet! When I went processed sugar-free for a year, these babies and sweet potatoes were my besties come dinner time.
The natural pigments that give them their color, betacyanins, have been potent cancer fighters in laboratory mice.
They are one of the best sources of both folate and betaine, two nutrients that work together to lower your blood levels of homocysteine (an inflammatory compound that can damage your arteries and increase your risk of heart disease).
Beet juice can also help lower blood pressure because of the nitrate beets contain, according to a 2008 study in the Journal of Hypertension.
I love to roast veggies, so here is my favorite way to eat beets.
If you get the beets straight from the ground (verses the prepackaged ones in the little box), set the oven to 375 degrees
Place tin foil over a baking sheet.
Wash your beets and wipe clean.
Cut beets into chunks
Lightly coat in an oil that can be cooked in medium heat
Season with black pepper, sea salt and garlic powder
Put in oven for 1 hour
Brussels sprouts and sweet potatoes are my favorites to eat with these, but if that’s a little too much starch for you, eat with what feels good to your body. Roasted beets also go great with goat cheese and arugula salad or quinoa.
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