“I’m on a diet”

“Traveling is so hard when you’re on a diet.”

“There’s nothing I can eat on this menu.” Sound familiar?

Diets suck. And they don’t work. They suck. And totally deprive and limit you. Did I mention they suck?

Living that healthy lifestyle is about finding the balance between food that fuels and supports your health and wellness goals and food that supports celebrations and a little indulging. This is not defined by me. It’s defined by YOU. My job is to provide you space, support and guidance while you discover and define those boundaries for yourself.

Truth: the previous 2 weekends we were camping. If you followed my insta stories then you saw the low down.

I balanced mindful eating with a bit of letting go; ie) Maybe I don’t eat the bread because I want some fries. In the moment this helps me stay present and enjoy.

Sometimes, it’s tough on our gut though.

But here’s my favorite part of my job; Empowerment.

I know what I need to do immediately to help my body feel better and “get back on track”. I encourage you to play with this too.

Ask yourself, What are 3 easy things I can do for myself upon returning home that will support me feeling my best?

Mine are:

1. Water. Essential oil infused with Lemon or Digestive Zen.

2. Movement. Yoga or something more intense.

3. Veggies. Cooked, raw, both. Nutrient dense food is extremely healing to the gut and body. I increase my veggies once I’m back from a weekend trip that was full of more sugar, alcohol and breads (things I typically don’t eat regularly). This is my game plan, or my get back on track plan. No matter what, I commit to these 3 things and by day 2, bloat has gone down and those cravings are starting to subside.

By the end of the week, I’m back to my usually self.

So travel season is coming, what’s your game plan to practice the balance of mindfulness and a little bit of indulgence and what are 3 easy things you will commit to once you’re back?